Game Changer App
The Game Changer App is used to manage player availability, schedules, keep score, track stats, communicate as a team and stream game video online. Parent/guardians must download the Game Changer App and use it regularly.
- Parent/guardians must RSVP for their player for games, so that coach can develop game plans.
- To add another family member: click “Team” > Select player > “Contacts” > “Add Family Email”.
- To sync game schedule to your personal calendar: click “Schedule” > Click cog on the top right > “Schedule Sync” and follow prompts.
The league distributes a monthly newsletter and other email communication. The parent that registered the player will be on the email distribution. Please make sure that all parents/guardians are listed as account holders within your MCLL Sports Connect account, so that they receive email communications.
Add an account holder by logging into your MCLL Sports Connect account. Once logged in, click on the cog icon in the upper right corner to “Edit Account Info”. On the “Account Holder Settings” page, scroll to the bottom and click (+) allowing you to “Add Additional Account Holder”.
*Note: You can sign-up on our website (and not register for a program) to receive emails.
Social Media
The league is very active on social media. Please follow our Facebook or Instagram pages, and tag us in your posts.
Live Streaming
Be mindful that many games are being recorded and streamed live on the internet. Cameras will pick up conversations happening in the general vicinity.
Little League International Newsletters
Little League publishes several newsletters, subscribe to newsletters to receive helpful information.
Concerns & Complaints
If there is an issue with your team or coach, we ask that you follow the 24 cool down period. Then, talk to your coach about your concern to your coach, then elevate up the MCLL chain, as necessary. If the issue is not resolved, elevate the issue to the division director, then to the VP of Baseball or Softball and lastly with the MCLL President.